How we work

What is the advantage of making use of the services at IBU?

Next generation sequencing data requires large computational resources to analyze. During such an analysis, well-considered choices need to be made in order to perform the correct computations and statistical analyses. In addition, in many fields related to computational biology development is fast, and the application of new methods can significantly improve biological insights from a dataset. Lastly, analyses need to be reproducible and well-documented for peer-reviewed publication.

At IBU, we have access to a large computer cluster that is fit for most types of bioinformatic analyses. Our bioinformaticians know the ins and outs of many types of analyses and keep track of the latest developments. Since we can analyze your data in a standardized way, we can do it efficiently and reproducibly, using state of the art methods. In this way, you can spend your time better on what matters to you most.

How do I initiate a project with IBU?

Please contact us to arrange an initial consultation.
For some project types, we have prepared guides on what is important for you to consider before the first meeting. This will ensure that the best possible advice can be provided for your project.


What does a project with IBU look like?

We are using an agile-based project management style, which means that, for many types of analyses, we have short turnaround times. We encourage customer feedback to ensure you get the results you need to answer your biological questions. Please check out these resources to learn more about the types of collaborations we offer.

Can I do my own analyses on the IBU cluster?

If you are a collaborator of IBU and are experienced working in an HPC environment, it may be possible for you to run your own analyses on our cluster. Please contact us to discuss the computational resources you would need.